Serving biochemistry for the health of mankind

In-class Courses

Fundación Wiener lab. offers in-class courses in different regions or Argentina and Latin America


Throughout the year, our teachers give different classes in biochemistry and other health related sciences.



Upcoming in-class courses (only in Spanish)




What do Fundación Wiener lab’s in-class courses consist of?
Fundación Wiener lab. has been offering in class courses in Argentina and, exceptionally, some bordering countries, for more than 25 years.
These in-class courses are given by prestigious professionals and, in general, colleagues who are a part of a Biochemistry Organization from the area the course is taking place at.  


Who decides the subject to be treated at the courses?
Fundación Wiener lab. counts with regional delegates, usually biochemists who are a part of a collegial organization, in every location where a course is offered. These delegates interact with laboratory professionals and, together, they decide the subject of higher interest for the area. A series of courses are already a part of the teaching system of Fundación Wiener lab.


List of courses

List of teachers


I’m interested in a particular subject, could a teacher come to the area where I live in and give a course on that subject?

You can get in touch with you regional delegate, or complete the following form.


Who takes care of the expenses?
Usually, the co-organizing Biochemistry Organization takes care of the expenses derived from renting the location where the course will take place, as well as providing with the necessary multimedia elements (a projector and screen, or a computer and a flat screen). In many occasions, the class takes place in a venue provided by the biochemistry organization or a public entity  
Fundación Wiener lab. takes care of the all the expenses derived from the presence of the teacher or teachers that will teach on the course (transportation, hotels, food, and so forth)


How do I find out about the courses Fundación Wiener lab will offer?
The co-organizing entity spreads the agenda among its affiliated members. Fundación Wiener lab. informs trough the web site.


How do I sign up for one of Fundación Wiener lab.’s courses?

Registrations for the courses are made through this web site, by making a one-time sign up in

"Interactiva". Once you have completed that registration, you can proceed to sign up for the course you are interested in.


Why do I have to sign up through the web site?
This way we can send you the certificate of approval through the web site as well. This certificate is not send by mail, but it can be printed out directly from the web site a few days after the course has ended (normally between 7 and 30 days).


I have already signed up for a different course in “Interactive”. Can I use the same password to sign up for a different course, or for an online course?


How can you check I went to the course I signed up for?
The teacher roll calls in order to have a list of those who were present. These data is then used to issue the certificates to those who were present (and passed the test, had there been one).

What are the requirements for signing up?
To sing up you must be a graduated professional, technician or a senior year student from the corresponding career.


What is the usual schedule for the courses?
Usually the courses are on Fridays in the afternoon and Saturday mornings.